Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • fishmoose
    Oct 6, 01:49 PM
    First off Apple isn't even close to first in sales, so your thoughts are based on faulty data. Second even if they where first in sales selling even more hardware is better. Given the right features more models simply means more sales.

    In the US they aren't but in the rest of the world they are.

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  • says Disney#39;s Selena Gomez

  • gammamonk
    Nov 11, 10:00 PM
    どうもマックです。   - Nice to meet you, I'm a Mac.

    こんにちはパソコンです。 - Hi, I'm a PC.

    っオ、iPod、何聴いてる  - Oh, an iPod, what are you listening to?

    Eurobeat. - Eurobeat.

    Eurobeat? - Eurobeat?

    いいですよねiPod. iTunesは使いやすいし、Podcastも楽しみだし。 - iPods are great. iTunes is easy to use, and I can look forward to my Podcasts.

    マックなら、iPodと同じぐらい簡単に写真やムービを楽しめる。iLifeが付いてるよ。 - You know, for a mac, we enjoy things with pictures and movies just as easily as using an iPod. I come with iLife.

    へ〜iLife。私もクールなソフトが色々付いてますよ。 - Oh, iLife? I also come with all kinds of cool software.

    オ〜例えば。  - Oh, for example?

    計算器。    - Calculator.

    後は?     - What else?

    時計。 - Clock.

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  • josun
    Mar 31, 01:14 AM
    1. Connect your iPad
    2. Open Xcode
    3. Click "Use for development" on the Xcode
    4. Ignore the credential request
    5. Look for the option under the iPad's menu

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  • strabes
    Mar 23, 01:53 PM
    It would be nice if this worked in the other direction as well--i.e., from a computer to an iOS/AirPlay device. (Yes, I know about AirFoil and friends.)

    EDIT: Wait, can Home Sharing in 4.3 do this? (I don't have a 4.3 device...yet.) If so, I guess I can expand my wishlist to include non-iTunes media... :)

    You should check out Air Video (the iOS app). It's the best solution I've found and with iOS 4.3 it works great for streaming all the .avi and .mkv movies on my HD to my apple TV via my iPhone.

    It goes (Air Video server on computer) -> iOS device -> Apple TV.

    It was probably the best $2.99 I've ever spent.


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  • vrDrew
    Mar 23, 06:01 PM
    I think it could be a real winner all round.

    More and more TVs are being sold as "Internet Ready." The problem is, on most of them the implementation and user experience is horrible. Half of them require a CAT5 wired connection to your network. And the other half need optional Wi-Fi adapter. Most consumers have neither the time, skill, nor patience to buy, install, and configure them.

    Then there is the issue of usability. It is awkward and time-consuming to try and navigate text boxes using most TV remotes.

    Apple licensing AirPlay as a means of letting TVs show YouTube content, plus stream photos, music, and video content on your home pc or iPad/iPhone would be a tremendous feature for TV makers to sell.

    The interesting question would be whether or not Apple licensed AirPlay to device makers of Android or Windows phones and tablets. This seems much less likely.

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  • oscillatewildly
    Apr 4, 11:05 AM
    Here in the UK the amount of tax is based upon the CO2 emissions from a car, so larger engines generally incur a higher penalty. However, if you are insistent on buying a large expensive 4x4 for example, I don't think the amount of tax is really going to put you off.

    I pay �125 per year for a 2.0 litre TDI

    Vehicle Excise Duty should be put on fuel, not based on the car; it's not the car you drive, it's the amount of fuel used - a driver using 2 gallons in a small car versus another using 1 gallon in a large car.

    As mentioned, if they can tax it then they will - electricity, hydrogen ...



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  • wilburpan
    Sep 20, 09:23 PM
    Originally posted by cr2sh
    ...head to head, single cpu to single cpu th3y got us beat.
    Please reread my post above. According to the website, an iMac 800 MHz machine is comparable in performance to a 1.8Ghz P4 machine. And if you compare the cost of the iMac to a similarly equipped Dell 1.8Ghz P4 machine, the iMac is actually the cheaper of the two.

    This was a real eye opener for me.

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  • Ugg
    Apr 29, 09:04 AM
    This is a TERRIBLE idea for the following reasons:

    1. You would need to have ever car fitted with the equivalent of an electronic toll collection system so we have can verified computation of miles traveled. Talk about serious privacy implications, to say the least.

    2. The cost of implementing such a system would be exorbitantly expensive.

    In my opinion, if you want to cut down on fuel consumption, just impose an excise tax based on engine displacement and physical size of vehicle like they do in Europe and Japan. That way, it would discourage people from buying bigger fuel-guzzling vehicles in the first place. I mean, would you buy a BMW 750iL if you're going to be hit with a 20% excise tax on top of the price of the car?

    And I thought you were all about fiscal responsibility? Why is it wrong to tax those who use the roads the most?


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  • roach
    Mar 23, 10:34 AM
    That's why you can buy that case as an accessory, it holds the iPad upright.

    While I don't think the iPad is a device for schools and serious stuff, it's awesome for when you want to watch a movie in an airplane or bus. In an airplane, you can't use your laptop since there isn't enough space to open it because of the seat in front of you, so the only way you could watch a movie on a plane is either by taking an iPhone/iPod Touch, or using a portable DVD player (yuck!). But if you want a bigger screen, you can get the iPad and it will fit in the 10cm space between your head and the seat in front of you perfectly.

    Watching a movie on a laptop would drain the battery within 1 or 2 hours anyway, while on the iPad you can easily watch 3 movies and still have some battery left (if the 10 hour battery life is true).

    Using case to prop up an iPad has a very limited angle viewing. Just hope the angle available will allow you to view movies from airplane seat to lying on a bed.

    Hate to say it but netbook is a better option. You can't use screen size or cramp keyboards (which is better than iPad's screen thumb input) argument because there are tons out there ranging from 10 inch and up. And they are getting more powerfull (ions).

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  • Gasu E.
    Nov 14, 08:43 AM
    "Mummy, why is that man watching those naked people doing things to each other." :p


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  • fhall1
    Apr 24, 11:37 AM
    I set my NAS boxes up with a static IP address, then mount them automatically (using login items) and they've never had a problem connecting....sounds like your NAS's IP adress might have changed (using DHCP means they won't necessarily get the same IP address every time) from when you set up the login item to the next time you tried to mount it.

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  • Hastings101
    May 5, 08:00 PM
    Umm do not use retail cost of the OS. You need to use the OEM cost. That is 100 bucks.

    Fixed that, with what I think is the correct link. Thanks for the info :)


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  • mrkramer
    Apr 23, 12:38 AM
    Trump is basically the male version of Palin, so I don't want him anywhere near the whitehouse. He's way too far to the right, and I'm pretty sure he would totally mess up the country if he somehow was elected.

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  • bartelby
    Sep 25, 12:15 PM
    Omg with no laptop updates, I'd like to watch as Apple's laptop sales tumble. Already the Apple Store dropped their MacBook shipping days down to 3-5 days (nobody wants it). :mad:

    And your proof for that statment is?

    The fact the shipping time has dropped couldn't be they've had more stock delivered could it?


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  • dscuber9000
    Apr 9, 10:20 PM
    Are you suggesting it is harder to abort than to raise a child?

    Both are terrible for two very different reasons.

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  • Goldinboy17
    Mar 24, 04:40 PM
    Just picked one up in Norwalk CT - they had plenty in stock and the sales person didn't realize the markdown until I mentioned it. Great deal. They tried to sell me a ton of services, but you don't have to... $317 out the door.:)

    You can't imagine how jealous I am of you >.>
    Mind going back and picking one up for me? :D


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  • alent1234
    Mar 25, 08:32 AM
    so silly, everyone knows apple invented everything ever made

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  • WannaGoMac
    Apr 5, 04:52 PM
    Yay! More cash from adapters for apple!

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  • MacRumorUser
    Jan 19, 03:11 PM
    Reserving judgement for two reasons.

    Region lock.

    Reportedly very very poor viewing angles when 3D is enabled. Most of previews from the show seemed to suggest they had to turn the 3d off, and there are many reports of headaches.

    Don't see point in buying a 3D console if you have to turn the 3D off the majority of the time.

    That being said, I'll probably end up getting one at some point, but maybe not launch.

    Mar 21, 08:39 PM
    Aloha everyone,

    I seriously don't understand how people can afford not to complain about the gas prices here in Hawaii. I buy all my gas on any one of the various military bases, as we always get cheaper gas than those gas stations outside. I normally get a gallon of premium lower than most outside gas stations sell their regular unleaded.

    Imagine my shock when just last week, it was over $4/gal here at Schofield Barracks (home of the US Army's 25th Infantry Division - Light). It was the same over at the Pearl Harbor-Hickam Combined Base (they merged, but I'm not sure that I got the name correct), although the off-base prices haven't risen quite as sharply, but they're still paying right around $3.96/gallon for regular unleaded gas.

    I mean, we're not even in the summer season yet, not that Hawaii actually has a summer season. I mean that, like in the US Mainland, we get raped at the pump during the "summer" season, for no other reason than the gas companies here can do it. I mean, what else can we do except bitch and complain? If we want to drive our cars, we have to buy the gas, right?

    Mar 14, 11:53 AM
    What is the native resolution that your plasma display supports? You may actually have a problem with using a DVI-HDMI cable at a high resolution. I once tried hooking up a Mini G4 to a 37" Sharp LCD (1920x1080) using a DVI-HDMI cable and I could not get a picture at all. The same Mini connected to a 24" LCD (1920x1200) using a Dual Link DVI cable worked just fine. I suspect the dual-link high-resolution support is dependent on a proper DVI cable.

    Mar 26, 06:29 PM
    It's a point of human interest, not to mention it was an interesting guessing game for those of us who have lived/worked in Palo Alto. Far more interesting than most of the stuff I read about these days that passes as "news."

    Mike Oxard
    Dec 20, 04:55 PM
    The bottom line is that the Christmas number one is a popularity contest. It is meant to be what record is the most popular at that time of year.

    Until last Monday no one had even heard the X factor song, so given that Killing in the Name has been around for 17 years means it was already more popular, how can an unknown song be most popular? People are just buying Joe McEldery because it's the X Factor song, not because of how good it is. Most of them probably only buy one single a year! Fair enough, a lot of them will end up unwanted presents!

    The whole thing was for most people just a bit of fun, most of the participants are fully aware of the irony of being asked (told) to buy that song given its lyrics. I think to suggest otherwise is mis-judging people.

    Having looked at a couple of chart websites already, it makes me smile to see that for once X Factor isn't going down in history with another Christmas number one.

    Oct 10, 03:18 PM
    do you think these updated macbooks will have a true video card and not an intergrated one? :confused:



    ...The Macbook is a budget machine if you want somthing better, ie having intergrated graphics, get a Macbook Pro

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