Wednesday, June 1, 2011

messing up quotes

messing up quotes. now after messing up all
  • now after messing up all

  • guzhogi
    Jan 4, 10:13 AM
    IBoth methods have drawbacks: "Not always available" vs. "Not always current."
    Given that I've never had a problem with availability, I'm actually interested in an app that promises to stay current without my having to download maps manually ahead of time.

    I wonder why the 2 plans have to be mutually exclusive. Why not download the whole database when you get it, for when you might not get coverage. And then automatically update when you do have coverage. When going somewhere, give priority updating to the current route and then download everything else. Maybe allow current route to be updated with EDGE/3G while whole database updates require Wi-Fi. Just my 2�

    messing up quotes. for messing up my hair!
  • for messing up my hair!

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Dec 9, 11:41 PM
    RIP Elizabeth Edwards... you deserve the rest from your fight...

    messing up quotes. or Mad Dog messing up
  • or Mad Dog messing up

  • usarioclave
    Apr 21, 01:20 PM
    Damn, if it has the same graphics engine as the ipad 2 rendering'll be a bit more than the 9x faster than the iPhone 4 (lower pixel count)

    What the heck are people going to do with that sort of performance? That'll bring AR to a whole new level. 2x overall speed increase? It's already plenty fast. It's going to be a bit ridiculous - at this rate the network bottleneck is going to get even worse.

    messing up quotes. Apologizes for Messing Up
  • Apologizes for Messing Up

  • frunkis54
    Aug 20, 11:34 PM
    people are overreacting about this.

    1. you physically have to go to places and check in for anyone to see where your at.
    2. you control who sees it. you can set it up so all your friends see it or only certain ones. if your worried about someone knowing your not at home. you might want to think who you have for friends on your FB account because they are the only ones that will know where you are or you aren't


    messing up quotes. Cute Love Quotes In Tamil.
  • Cute Love Quotes In Tamil.

  • Knowimagination
    Mar 6, 04:21 PM
    I noticed today that someone is already in line at the Knox Henderson store. They had a tent setup.

    Probably the same guy that was on the news before the iPhone 4 launch.

    messing up quotes. as messed up distribution
  • as messed up distribution

  • MacTheSpoon
    Apr 16, 04:42 PM
    What the hell, how bizarre. This app store stuff is ridiculous. Either allow satire or don't, and say so in your rules.


    messing up quotes. for messing up my links,
  • for messing up my links,

  • kd0tc0m
    Apr 13, 01:21 PM
    I don't think Pages is horrible. It's not great, but it isn't quite as bad for me as everyone else finds it. I don't use it all that much (Keynote gets used far more than Pages does).

    I'm with you. I'm new to the world of Mac and I want to stay clear of Word. It's not a great app, but it's something I'm getting used to.

    Same with Keynote, different approach, but I like it better than the world of PP.

    messing up quotes. Yes, I know I#39;m messing up a
  • Yes, I know I#39;m messing up a

  • NT1440
    Apr 6, 01:23 PM
    Ever served in the Military?

    That has nothing to do with the hundreds of billions we dump on weapons that don't even get used.


    messing up quotes. you#39;re messing up my mane
  • you#39;re messing up my mane

  • sp86
    Nov 11, 03:31 PM
    FB places is great and so is the iPhone - But I use it only sparingly. Still one of those people who is increasingly scared of all this open technology

    messing up quotes. I messed up quot;For fuck sake!
  • I messed up quot;For fuck sake!

  • notjustjay
    May 3, 02:53 PM
    @notjustjay: the 13" already does have an SD-card slot. is there any chance that'll be taken away?


    Crap, and you know what's the most embarrassing part? I did know that, I was looking at a picture of it just the other day. :o

    OK, just pretend I didn't mention that part. The rest of it stands. ;)


    messing up quotes. all that shyt messing up a
  • all that shyt messing up a

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 01:49 PM
    tipb also used calipers and found a difference.

    Otterbox, a maker of iPhone 4 cases, also confirms,default,pd.html?dwvar_APL7-I4XXX_color=20&start=2&cgid=apple-iphone-4-cases:

    as well as several other people.

    You are quickly encroaching into wild conspiracy theory territory if you think all these people/sites are making this up.



    I wasn't aware of those sites. All I said was that I was doubtful of Engadget.

    But I'll take it; some have some don't.

    messing up quotes. you messing up my woman
  • you messing up my woman

  • brett_x
    Sep 20, 08:41 AM
    nothing for the powerbook g4s?

    What about my SE/30? Nothing???


    messing up quotes. Messing up the couch
  • Messing up the couch

  • Natesac
    Mar 11, 01:18 PM
    Willow Bend is at about 90 people

    messing up quotes. Messing up the kitchen
  • Messing up the kitchen

  • TechEnthu
    Apr 19, 12:20 PM
    Who cares about Expose. Give me Multi-Touch Gesturing like I have on iPad 2. 4-5 finger swipe accross apps, 4-5 finger swipe up to show the mult-tasking pane; 4-5 finger pinch-close to get to the home screen........What can beat that??????

    I love those on iPad too, but it's really a bit more difficult (and less ergonomic) to use 4- and 5-finger gestures on current iPhones' screen size. Imagine putting, or just actually try, 5 huge fingers on the screen! Hahaha. But putting it in doesn't hurt! They did put Shake to Shuffle in! :p

    I'd care to have shake to undo change to sth else, or available for user to alter, though. :D


    messing up quotes. i love you quotes for her from
  • i love you quotes for her from

  • kgeier82
    May 24, 04:56 PM
    Does starcraft 2 work with the new macbook pro 15'' graphic card?

    Um why wouldnt it?

    messing up quotes. break up quotes and sayings
  • break up quotes and sayings

  • bergert
    Dec 13, 01:53 PM
    like this guy "Alex Gauna" who called 20 Apple Stores around the country and already determined that the new Apple TV is selling at a rate of 1 millions units a quarter, even thought Apple Stores never give out any information of how many units have been received or sold.

    how do these people still have jobs?

    yes, count me in - I want a analyst job like that !


    messing up quotes. break up quotes and sayings
  • break up quotes and sayings

  • iGary
    Sep 13, 08:59 AM
    Well, if what you say to him works, you might actually be "effed", but sadly you won't remember it. Then you'll really wonder about the looks he gives you. :D

    LOL! :D

    messing up quotes. Break Up Quotes
  • Break Up Quotes

  • citizenzen
    Apr 7, 08:00 PM
    50 billion out of a budget of what? A trillion and a bit?

    I could remove 25% of your body weight and make you slim and sexy.

    On the other hand, I could remove less than 2% of your body weight and render you a useless, comatose, vegetable.

    It's not a matter of how much is cut as it is what is cut.

    messing up quotes. So, What If I Messed Up?
  • So, What If I Messed Up?

  • CFreymarc
    Nov 20, 11:39 AM
    Knowing Apple there will be a way to turn it off in the OS if you don't want to use it. Also for the totally paranoid, a mod to remove the hardware from your iPhone will hit the web the week it is on the street.

    Also, I bet the hardware will be laid out where removing a pair or surface mount resistors will make it that simple to disable separating the antenna from the semiconductor.

    Why RFID?

    Vending Machines

    Gas Pumps

    Door locks and passage locks

    Home security system thing - let's you know who came to your door etc.

    Subway Train Token

    Movie Tickets

    Digital "tickets" for anything.

    Museum audio program guide thingies.

    Micro Payment systems

    Demographic plotting of people passing a turnstile

    I hope people try to see beyond the "evil Gubment" spy stuff.

    Sep 21, 10:33 AM
    Can anyone confirm that the update does not make the Mac Pro noisier?

    In the past Apple has repeatedly upgraded fan speeds by these updates a couple of months AFTER all reviews had been written. I had once bought my Powerbook G4 (besides other aspects) because it was very quite. A few SMC updates later the fan was running continuously and as such probably lowering average temperatur and service return rate for Apple.

    I did the firmware, the SMC was not needed, and no, the machine is not any louder for me.

    Dec 21, 05:44 AM
    Well you're a cheery lad. I thought it's all been pretty funny.

    I'm perfectly cheery thanks - just don't have any time for this. Either way, I don't think Cowell and Co will be bothered much. Both artists sell records for Sony.

    Lesser Evets
    Mar 28, 09:04 AM
    I understand why people like iOS, and it is useful for a lot of things. Productivity is far behind novelty/entertainment at this time, but iOS will become far more versatile when the portable hardware ups a few leaps.

    iOS 9 + iPad 5 might be worth the hype. IMO

    Apr 1, 09:21 AM
    Haha mcrumors, took me all the way through this thread to notice it but nice.

    Oct 7, 01:26 AM
    Not that I don't think this rumor is unfounded, but I could imagine a really tiny iPhone nano using the screen, CPU, and OS of the new iPod nano (i.e., no web, camera or apps), especially if it was cheap even with no contract and you could transfer the SIM card from your iPhone and use it as an alternate phone for sports or for girls going out etc. Text entry would be cumbersome, but if you could edit your address book from a PC when syncing, it wouldn't matter as much.

    If the iPod Nano is $149 now, perhaps in a year the same parts plus a cell radio could be sold for $149 with no contract, or really cheap ($49 or less) with a contract. I could imagine at that price, parents could buy it for their kids, but due to the limitations it wouldn't cannibalize iPhone sales. It also might serve as a way to enter emerging markets.

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