Wednesday, June 1, 2011

cute love quotes in urdu

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  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 24, 03:11 AM
    What is pissing me off at this stage is not that the console launches tomorrow or fears over shortages etc, it's the fact that 95% of the launch titles haven't even made it to review which is never a good sign.

    I suspect we are going to see a lot of turkeys tomorrow.

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  • PBF
    Oct 6, 01:26 PM
    iPhone Mini (3.5") and iPhone Maxi (4" or 4.5") would be so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

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  • AppleScruff1
    May 5, 01:28 PM
    The real question is why do people still buy Macs (in increasing numbers) in spite of this... hmmm... makes you wonder...

    Because Apple makes good computers and OSX is a good operating system. Unfortunately, many here are too blind to see or admit that Windows also works well for a substantial portion of the world. They are both great os's.

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  • renewed
    Apr 15, 03:25 PM
    I know what some of the plans are as I met the reps from Apple when they came to visit us.

    edit: ...and as mentioned, some of you have no concept about the military at all. It's pretty amusing actually.


    Is this a gloating post or are you going to share what you believe to be some of the concepts?


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  • Glideslope
    Apr 21, 07:39 PM
    4S. I like the name, and it makes sense to keep continuity with the previous naming scheme (3GS). I guess we'll see a true iPhone 5 next summer.

    I'm going to agree with you on this.

    3G --> 3Gs --> 4

    4--> 4s --> 5

    Same update path, but the timing altered by the CDMA production.

    4s in Sept iPhone 5 in June 2012 with LTE. :apple:

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  • steelfist
    Nov 14, 12:47 PM
    hope it's on the A380. that would be awesome! I agree, ipod video abuse will go pretty far though, as far as pornography goes.


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  • satelshawn
    Mar 8, 08:59 AM
    Kingdonk, thanks a million for the screenshots. Any idea what version of Samba they have included? That has been a big headache for me with Snow Leopard ever since win7 came out. Cannot bind win7 to the domain because apple are running an old version of samba.

    If you could figure out the samba version that would be awesome, if it is still and old version then I am going to have to either move to Linux or buy a Windows server license for our win7 machines.

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  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 14, 01:16 PM
    Page 2?


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  • WiiDSmoker
    Mar 25, 08:36 AM
    Before all you Apple fannies disagree with this; just remember Apple is trying to sue everyone else too.

    It's all ridiculous.

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  • h1r0ll3r
    Apr 28, 11:51 AM
    Arlington, VA Yesterday :(


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  • djellison
    Dec 21, 05:26 PM
    Just like Michelle McManus, Steve Brookstein, Shayne Ward and Leon Jackson eh Louis?

    I don't know anyone who bought Joe's single. Indeed, I don't know anyone who bought a single by any of the people listed above. Why would you? They're not that good, the singles are not that good, it's just musical magnolia, dull, tedious, indeed - off all the things it could be described as, having the 'X-Factor' is not one. Will Young was something a bit unique and he has a personality. Leona is fairly damn good as well. THey are clearly the exception, however, not the rule.

    Yet somehow, every year, this crap fills out TV screens for months, it fills the news for months, it fills the airwaves for months. Hours and hours of freaks embarassing themselves, then hours of programs talking about the hours of freaks embarassing themselves. Then the news, every news outlet, reporting on the freaks. Then it starts all over again, the finalists, none of whom exhibit any exceptional talent. Then hours and hours of programs dedicated to those 12, more hours dedicated to re-covering it, and again, it's in the news everywhere.

    At the end of it, an average singer, a tedious song, and a very brief career.

    I think this entire campaign was the rest of the country just saying "We're bored of this ****"

    If that makes me pathetic or meaningless, then so be it.

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  • glennp
    Aug 19, 11:29 AM
    not available in my region yet.


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  • freeny
    Nov 12, 08:32 PM
    "Lighten up," it is so... American :p

    What a cliche:rolleyes:

    Is that the best you could do?

    BTW, My Japanese manager thinks they are hilarious too...

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  • JAT
    Sep 25, 10:14 AM
    Personally I much prefer Lightroom. There's way too much wrong with RAW workflow in Aperture.
    Ditto. Esp since Apple can't be bothered to support my camera. Just downloaded the latest LR beta.


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  • lmalave
    Oct 16, 10:47 PM
    picture the 80gb ipod, in its current form factor.... that slides down like the LG Chocolate does, to expose a full qwerty keyboard... sweet

    Hmm...I have a feeling both the iPhone and iPhone Pro will be flash-based though. But I think you're right they will both be slider phones. I think the iPhone "slim" phone will basically be like a shorter, wider iPod nano with a slightly larger screen and a slide-out keyboard - so it will be about twice the thickness of a nano. The larger iPhone Pro will be like a narrower iPod, maybe with a portrait screen orientation instead of landscape, and will again have a slide-out keyboard. I expect that the iPhone will have something like 2 GB and the iPhone Pro something like 4 GB or even 8 GB. I would be pleasantly surprised if either of these models had any expandable storage, but I doubt it. I think they will initially launch without expandable storage, and then add it later in the second generation of iPhones...

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  • Fiveos22
    Sep 27, 08:56 AM
    I'm hoping to see those OpenGL improvements significantly boost my Quake 1 fps on my MacBook.


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  • poohbear67
    Dec 29, 11:41 PM
    I worked for what was then called Cingular and was in the New York section, and I can honestly tell you New Yorkers are a breed of their own. We got calls constantly about dropped signals, but when probed it was because they were in a subway. Towers are abundant in the NYC area so it is amazing they have discontinued them.

    New Yorkers probably and appreciate the iPhone more than anyone else who has them.

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  • Rdclark
    Apr 15, 11:55 AM
    In January Consumer Reports surveyed over 58,000 of its subscribers on the quality of their cell phone service, with categories for voice, data, customer service, and coverage.

    Both overall and localized for 26 different US cities, Verizon far outperformed AT&T in this survey.

    It's customary for the tech community to scoff at Consumer Reports' findings, and often with very good reason. But if you ask 58k people, mostly the sort of middle-class folks that are typical CR subscribers, how satisfied they are with their cell phone service, the results IMO can't be easily dismissed. In this large sample, far more people were very unhappy with AT&T than with Verizon.

    I found this -- as a person buying an iPad 2 as
    1. a netbook/iPad/GPS/e-reader replacement, who
    2. neither owns nor wants a smartphone, and who
    3. spends nearly 100% of his time in large American cities
    --to be a compelling argument in favor of Verizon. Far more compelling than any anecdotal evidence, which is all I see in this thread.

    After a month with my 64GB white 3g iPad, I've had no reason to regret my choice. Verizon has never failed to connect, never dropped a connection, never seemed particularly sluggish (although I wait for wifi to download large files), and their pricing seems to fit my usage patterns more economically than AT&T's would have.

    My point: it's possible for a rational person to research and analyze this question and come up with Verizon as an answer, and then be happy with that choice. Contrary to some assertions otherwise.

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  • tristangage
    Jun 15, 12:40 PM
    Any UI/Software/Dashboard changes?

    I don't mind the new design. I think I'll probably get one in a year or so when I move out.

    Jan 4, 12:30 PM
    Whoever advised them to not put the maps onboard and download as needed, needs to be fired- poor decision.

    Went from Cleveland to Flordia with a download based GPS on my iPhone, had no issues.

    Sep 27, 12:23 PM
    No, no, no! Don't you know, after 10.4.9 Apple has run out of numbers! It'd have to be 10.5.0!


    Couldn't resist...sorry!

    No, not THIS discussion AGAIN. This got a lot of talk at 10.3.9...

    Feb 26, 02:40 PM
    Very well said - the absurd pension benefits they get for so little time is a glaring example of the abuse of power that our elected parasites exhibit.

    It's absurd. You're vested in the program after 5 years. A Senator's term is 6. :rolleyes:

    May 2, 10:46 PM

    Liberals mistimed this election. NDP will be the official opposition. Big changes coming, not all necessarily good.

    Mar 18, 07:39 AM
    Whats this feature for? I don't know if it was in SL Server but its part of the mail settings and don't know if its for certification or for using apple's mobile me mail service for pushing mail to iOS devices.

    This looks like Push notifications for email will finally work :-)


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