Wednesday, June 1, 2011

computer wallpaper

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  • MacSamurai
    Oct 16, 08:48 PM
    speculate all you want...wont believe it til i see it,and it better be crammed with features lol like 3m pixel camera and wifi....

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  • computer wallpaper scenery.

  • desigarms
    Apr 20, 02:20 PM
    Wait....there are rules...but then apple can bend them as they see fit?

    The rules should apply to all or to none.

    Just another reason I really hate apple and cant wait for jobs to leave.

    Exactly!!! I'm sick of Apple's crap. I went to Android and not looking back.

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  • Smurf Desktop Wallpaper

  • zephead
    Oct 10, 10:53 AM
    G5 laptop finally.
    :eek: G5 PowerBooks?! Haha, how long have we been waiting for those?

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  • Photos for Wallpaper Desktop

  • Grimace
    Sep 19, 04:36 PM
    that is what mine did and was fine, it popped up a windows saying the update was complete, check your firmware version in System Profiler

    Nope, nothing. Still 1.7f6. I'll try unplugging devices.


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  • Knowimagination
    Mar 5, 12:52 AM
    if BB won't let me buy one on launch day then I will probably be in line at the Knox St store

    computer wallpaper. Computer Wallpaper
  • Computer Wallpaper

  • Rogzilla
    Jun 16, 03:42 PM
    Apple CEO: I have this great new product...
    Verizon CEO: This will never go anywhere. i-what. That's a stupid


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  • to our desktop wallpaper

  • Ryan1524
    Mar 23, 12:21 AM
    I understand what most of you are saying, and for the most part agree. I'm still using my D70s, and getting pics that still get compliments from people. On the other hand, I've been wanting a 70-200 for a while now. Not sure if this falls under the superfluous 'let's-buy-more-gear' mentality, or the 'i-want-to-try-new-type-of-vision' mentality.

    What do you think?

    I've been doing most of my hobby with an 11-16 and 35mm.

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  • Weather Desktop Wallpaper

  • el-John-o
    Nov 30, 07:55 AM
    No spy chips, thank you.

    I saw that website, and laughed.

    "Wal-Mart is embedding RFID's In clothing ZOMG1984"

    Those RFIDs are not secret government alien probes, they are made by sensormatic, are destroyed at point of sale (those demagnatizers, the bzzh sound is the RFID being scrambled), and only used if you walk out the door with something unpaid. Even then, it's not a GPS mega sensor that's tracking your every move, it just reacts with the sensors at the door to set off an alarm.


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  • free autumn computer wallpaper

  • wasimyaqoob
    Oct 27, 02:29 AM
    Looks amazing, Worth it i think. Already been a member for 3+ years :)

    computer wallpaper. Smurf Desktop Wallpaper
  • Smurf Desktop Wallpaper

  • Buschmaster
    Nov 2, 11:11 AM
    I'm a switcher, well, a switch backer. ;) My last computer was a PC, but that's my only PC ever.

    My brother is also a switch backer. I have a friend who is a switcher, my mom is a soon to be switcher. I have two friends who are both soon to be switchers and possibly even one or two more.

    After everyone saw what my MacBook was capable of, they all wanted to get on board. And they'll only convince a few more people who will convince a few more people. It sounds like a pyramid scam, but it's great to be back in the Mac World.:cool:


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  • funny computer wallpaper

  • tag
    Nov 28, 10:58 AM
    You could do a whois search and see where the DNS records point to and perhaps there is a Technical Contact showing the company name/address.

    In terminal - 'whois'

    EDIT: Ah beat to it.

    computer wallpaper. Computer Wallpaper
  • Computer Wallpaper

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 3, 06:53 PM
    You don't have to be mad, but it sure helps.

    Is this a chink in the armour??

    Am I winning you over?



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  • 3d wallpaper, 3d computer

  • digiguy23
    Dec 28, 01:17 PM
    All the other Cellular providers is no different. I cancelled Verizon because of the lack of customer support in their stores and I had constant dropped calls.

    As as for buying the iPhone, I replaced my iPhone 3G with the 3GS through the Online Apple Store. Came to my front door in 3 days. NO headaches, NO problems.

    computer wallpaper. your computer” Wallpaper
  • your computer” Wallpaper

  • letoast
    Apr 28, 10:32 PM
    I will buy an 11" once it has:
    -i5/i7 CPU with AES-NI
    -option for 200+ GB drive

    Would be supremely delighted if it also has:
    -battery life approaching that of the 13"
    -SDXC slot
    -8GB RAM option


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  • computer wallpaper pictures

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 14, 01:47 PM
    Satan appears as an angel of light and he's got two posters hear on this thread at least, but not the other poster.

    computer wallpaper. Computer Wallpaper
  • Computer Wallpaper

  • Polo5
    Oct 6, 10:00 AM
    Really? that would be interesting


    computer wallpaper. Desktop Wallpaper
  • Desktop Wallpaper

  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 28, 04:34 PM
    I traded back SSF IV and got Lego Star Wars. Whilst most reviews have said that the 3D effect was minimal, I think it's actually more impressive in Lego StarWars than in SSFIV.

    Also it's not got as many jaggies Sikkinixx :p

    computer wallpaper. Computer Desktop Wallpapers
  • Computer Desktop Wallpapers

  • Sneakz
    Mar 23, 08:21 PM
    Wasn't aware the iMac was a hand held solution. Those army guys must be strong.

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  • christmas computer wallpaper

  • Snowcat001
    Feb 18, 11:26 AM
    This is the photo is full size:

    He does look scarily thin…

    Check the exif of that photo, the White House works with Adobe CS5 for mac :D (or at least the photographer that works for them)

    Oct 10, 10:35 AM
    You know, today is tuesday.... :D

    Nah, it's Wednesday.

    May 4, 03:57 PM
    Stop projecting the problems that you have with the US political system onto the Canadian one... It seems to me that you are only happy if the people/parties that you like are winning...I did not like it when the Liberals had a majority... Part of the problem that I see with both the NDP and Liberals is that they are too concerned with special interests rather than ordinary Canadians. They pay lip service about being for the common man...
    The problems with the Canadian system are not fundamentally different from the US system. I have a congressional representative who is a decent sort of guy, but he is in the wrong party. He mostly votes the party line because he has to to get re-elected. The system in Canada is a little different, but not significantly.

    As long as I have to live with having a representative who does not represent me, the system is broken. As long as there are winners and losers, the system is broken. This holds for the GWN as well as the temperate-ish south. Until I have an effective voice in government, government is messed up. If you are totally pissed off by what the liberals are doing and have no recourse but to wait it out, the system is broken.

    The Canadian system is marginally better than the US system, but until we address the fundamental flaws of "representative democracy", until everyone has a real voice in government, until there are no winners, both systems will still be broken.

    May 2, 01:18 PM
    Which color shows the scratches from the caliper more?

    Apr 29, 01:10 PM
    But I agree in theory that we can cut down greatly on how much we drive. And higher gas prices will do that(which is good, even if we don't make as much off taxes as you would if driving levels stay the same)

    The new wave of urban living will help too. If people don't have driving as an option because of price, or have it less, interest in public transit but also walking and biking will increase due to natural market pressures. However, many towns and cities in the US will have a major infrastructural gap because they have so many roads that are not cyclist / pedestrian friendly. They will likely change due to economic pressure, but cities investing in walkability now will be well poised to grow when/if such a time comes.

    Aug 19, 11:58 AM
    Has anyone been able to actually use Places?

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